One of the tasks of public statistics is the creation of its image by conducting active promotion and popularization policy. Statistical Office in Kielce organizes a lot of ventures of educational and information character for different groups of customers.
Educational actions are aimed at:
conducting voivodship competitions for the upper secondary schools students
organization of open days – meetings in the Office
teaching and giving lectures on different educational levels
e-learning courses
representatives of science, local self-government, business environment entities and other institutions in the region
organization and co-organization of Conferences
quarterly meetings called Statistics at the coffee
cycle radio broadcasts
We invite all persons interested in co-operation and gaining additional statistical knowledge. If You are willing to participate in the classes organized in the Office or at school please contact:
Świętokrzyski Osrodek Badań Regionalnych
Phone: 41 249 96 22; 249 96 23; 41 249 96 24