- General notes
- Agricultural land designated for non-agricultural purposes and forest land designated for non-forest purposes
- Air pollution reduction systems in plants especially noxious
- Area and water withdrawal for irrigation in agriculture and forestry as well as water for filling fish ponds
- Devastated and degraded land requiring reclamation and management as well as reclaimed and managed land
- Direction of financing of the Voivodship Environmental Protection and Water Management Funds
- Emission and reduction of industrial air pollutants
- Entities discharging waste water by place of discharge and waste water treatment plants possessed
- Generated and accumulated waste and their storage yards areas
- Geodesic status and use of voivoidship land
- Industrial and municipal waste water discharged into waters or into the ground
- Investment expenditures on environmental protection and water management
- Legally protected areas possessing unique environmental value
- Nature monuments
- Nature reserves
- Purity of controlled rivers
- Quality of water supplied to the population for consumption from waterworks and wells
- Rates and receipts from fees and fines to the ecological funds
- Scenic parks
- Świętokrzyski National Park
- Tangible effects of investments in environmental protection and water management
- Waste by type
- Waste water treatment plants
- Water consumption for needs of the national economy and population
- Water withdrawal for needs of the national economy and population
Industrial and municipal waste water requiring treatment
Industrial waste generated during the year
Structure of air pollutants emited
- General notes
- Agricultural tractors
- Area, production and yields of berry fruit
- Area, production and yields of field vegetables
- Area, production and yields of tree fruit
- Cattle, pigs, sheep and horses
- Consumption of mineral or chemical and lime fertilizers in terms of pure ingredient
- Draft force resources
- Drainage of agricultural land
- Forest land
- Indices of gross, final and market agricultural output
- Land use by sectors
- Poultry
- Procurement of major agricultural products
- Production of animals for slaughter
- Production of meat, fats and pluck
- Production of milk and eggs
- Removals
- Renewals, afforestations and other forest breeding work
- Selected crop production and yields
- Sown area
- Structure of gross and market agricultural output
- Trees and shrubs outside the forest and removals
- Trends and major economic and production results in agriculture
- Value of agricultural products procurement
- Value of major agricultural products procurement
Land use in 2003
Structure of market agricultural output in 2002
Yields of cereals
Livestock per 100 ha of agricultural land